Custom Bread and Pizza Ovens
Ovens are old technology. We make our Backyard Bread Ovens much the way they've always been built, designs tried and true.
There are clay ovens and masonry ovens
Clay Oven Building Workshops
Anyone can build a clay oven. Lay a brick hearth, build a clay dome on it with a doorway, let it dry, and then build a fire. That's all it takes to make an oven that will bake the best bread you've ever had. In their rough beauty and simplicity, clay ovens rule the oven world. They may only last a handful of years in cold New England, but they are so fun and cheap to build, you may not mind rebuilding in a few years.
Custom Built Masonry Ovens
Masonry ovens require expertise to build. They are at once functional and beautiful. Incredibly efficient, convenient, and durable, a baker learns to rely on their oven like a friend. It will hold heat for hours and hours, if not days. The culinary possibilities are limited more by your energy level than the oven's capabilities: pizza, pita, roasts, broiled fish, pies, baked beans, dehydrated fruit or meat. It's all possible!
If handled properly, your masonry oven will require no maintenance for decades and will last long after we are gone. The durability and efficiency of a masonry oven comes at a higher cost than clay, but you may find that you're willing to make this one-time investment. Once you start baking in your oven, you'll be out there all the time. Neighbors and friends will come by. Pizzas will fly off the hearth and loaves will start piling up. Ovens do that to us. They draw us in...
Contact us for for a pricing estimate on your masonry oven.
For more information about clay and masonry ovens, take a look at Sam's blog posts
[...] Most of the prized stone were just piled there. She told me I could take some for my new clay oven.
I had depleted most of the pile when Elizabeth walked out. In that pained, calculated way, she asked, Had I taken enough of her stone yet?
[...] The truth is, I loved demolishing my best clay oven, and loved demolishing the clay oven before that one. When the process of building is as pleasant as getting muddy with friends, I don't mind tearing the product down.
Let me walk you through a typical bake in my backyard oven. As we light the fire, heat the masonry up, make the pizza, bake the bread, and roast the rest of our meal, you'll learn how these ovens work and why they do such a good job at making pizza and bread [...]
[...] But pumpernickel is an old, eastern European bread, and, as far as I knew, they weren't adding coffee or caramel dye to their bread back then. So, what used to make pumpernickel dark? [...]